(= ФェФ=) toji

just another guy trying to learn ai, hpc and stuff

Hey there! Manish here. Welcome to my personal portfolio!

toji is the name of my favorite anime character(yes, the one who left it all behind) so I used it as the title. I primarily work as a Data Scientist although I hate attaching what i do to a job title.

I absolutely love playing Skyrim and plan on playing it till the day I die. I also want to build a good gaming rig. Apart from that, I'm quite curious about ai and high performance computing. Check out my Blogs which is a list of blogs highlighting my journey of learning parallel programming on CUDA.

If you want to connect, below are my socials:


In case you're here for professional stuff, I normally keep my updated resume here and my experience is here. I will add other info like projects here soon. So stay tuned for that(as if you're gonna😏).

Have a good day or a good night's sleep. Bye🫡.